303-type - definition. What is 303-type
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في هذه الصفحة يمكنك الحصول على تحليل مفصل لكلمة أو عبارة باستخدام أفضل تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المتوفرة اليوم:

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  • أصل الكلمة

%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Supermarine Type 221; Supermarine Type 303

Type (biology)         
  • Linnaeus]], is the type species for the genus ''[[Bufo]]''
  • dorsal]] and 2) ventral aspect of holotype,<br>3) dorsal and 4) ventral aspect of paratype
  • Type illustration of ''[[Mormopterus acetabulosus]]''
Type specimen; Neotype; Biological types; Lectotype; Type (botany); Type (zoology); Botanical type; Clonotype; Type locality (biology); Type material; Paralectotype; Typus; Onomatophore; Cotype; Biological type; Hapantotype; Type specimens; Types in zoology; Type location (biology); Type illustration; Locality (biology); Type-specimen; Orthotype; Isoneotype; Plastotype; Isolectotype; Iconotype; Type series; Neotypification; Lectotypification; Ergatotype; Lectotype specimen; Type host; Typetaxon; Type (taxonomy); Series of type specimens; Hypotype
In biology, a type is a particular [(or in some cases a group of specimens) of an organism] to which the [[scientific name of that organism is formally attached. In other words, a type is an example that serves to anchor or centralize the defining features of that particular taxon.
303 (comics)         
303 (comic book series)
303 is a six-issue comic-book mini-series created by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows, and published by Avatar Press. The story targets a mature audience.
type specimen         
  • Linnaeus]], is the type species for the genus ''[[Bufo]]''
  • dorsal]] and 2) ventral aspect of holotype,<br>3) dorsal and 4) ventral aspect of paratype
  • Type illustration of ''[[Mormopterus acetabulosus]]''
Type specimen; Neotype; Biological types; Lectotype; Type (botany); Type (zoology); Botanical type; Clonotype; Type locality (biology); Type material; Paralectotype; Typus; Onomatophore; Cotype; Biological type; Hapantotype; Type specimens; Types in zoology; Type location (biology); Type illustration; Locality (biology); Type-specimen; Orthotype; Isoneotype; Plastotype; Isolectotype; Iconotype; Type series; Neotypification; Lectotypification; Ergatotype; Lectotype specimen; Type host; Typetaxon; Type (taxonomy); Series of type specimens; Hypotype
¦ noun Botany & Zoology the specimen, or each of a set of specimens, on which the description and name of a new species is based. See also holotype, syntype.


Supermarine Scapa

The Supermarine Scapa was a British general reconnaissance flying boat built by Supermarine that was used by the Royal Air Force between 1935 and 1939. It was developed from the Southampton and formed the basis of the later Stranraer flying boat.